Perverts' Trousers

This seems to be the only song in the songbook which mentions Arthur...

We're from the North and so was Arthur too,
And what's it worth to stay away from you?
Or else we'll shout our theories 'til we're blue,
And we all wear Perverts' Trousers.

(Chorus) Come and join us, come and join us,
'Cause we all wear Perverts' Trousers.

We love Brian Stokes, he gives us such a thrill,
We like his jokes and his theories are so brill.
We'll tell you all about them 'til you're ill,
And we all wear Perverts' Trousers.

Thurston of York, he was a Northern lad,
Like King Arthur, and like Brian's dad;
They all had thick lips, and they drove you mad,
And they all wore Perverts' trousers.

Lady Avenable (Louise Dennis, editor of the 2nd and 3rd editions of the songbook), notes: "More verses may be added as inspiration requires"... Here are some verses written during a pilgrimage (q.v.) to the North of England, which does not seem to have gone entirely according to plan!

In the mist a great stone circle stood,
We all swore to find it if we could,
When we got there, it was made of wood,
And we all suffer from an ailment.

(Chorus)Come and join us, come and join us,
Cos we all suffer from an ailment.

Liz, she had a fever in her glands,
Elspeth needed Andrew's helping hands,
All in all we're not a healthy band
And we all suffer from an ailment.

Twelve Arthurians at King Owein's grave,
We've climbed over rock and crag and cave,
We don't really care how we behave,
Cos we all suffer from an ailment.

We've seen castles, Brougham, Warkworth, Alnwick,
If we see one more, we shall then panic,
Our songs get progressively manic
And we all suffer from an ailment.

James's ears were causing him some pain,
The rest of us have slowly gone insane,
Wherever we go, we know that it will rain,
Cos we all suffer from an ailment.