Oxford Arthurian Society was founded in 1982 to explore the
figure of King Arthur in history, literature and legend. It was
registered with the University of Oxford as a student society
until the end of 2001. Following our twentieth anniversary term
of Trinity 2002, meetings have taken place on an occasional basis
with a view to attracting a new student membership. This website
therefore celebrates a Once and Future Society, proclaiming what
the Oxford Arthurian Society did, and suggesting what it might do
Our activities in the past have included speaker meetings, pilgrimages and fully-costumed Mediaeval Banquets. For more details about these events, see our past termcards, or E-mail us
Membership details can be found here.
Ceridwen's Cauldron, the Society magazine, was published every term and sent free to members. The Society also contained a number of folksong enthusasists through the years, and our songbook - of songs which have precious little to do with Camelot - went through four revised editions and many reprints, often at short notice with whatever photocopying facilities were at hand.
For those of you who want to know how we organised ourselves when we were a university society, we have our Constitution (currently suspended) online as well as other interesting bits and pieces (including links to other sites of interest).
The original Oxford Arthurian Society web pages were slowly and laboriously put here by Stephie Coane and Matthew Kilburn. Thank them for their good works. The recent look and feel of the site was accomplished in March 1999 by Russell Shannon.