Arthurian Links Elsewhere...

There are a vast number of sites on the World Wide Web relating to the activities of the Oxford Arthurian Society, and this site by no means covers all of them. Those seeking more exhaustive lists of sites will be able to find them under Arthurian Starting Points. 

If you find that any of our links don't work or have changed, please let us know at 

Arthurian Starting Points

One of the best places to go if you have any queries about any aspect of Arthuriana is the Arthurnet Archive consisting of searchable past postings to the Arthurian mailing list, Arthurnet.
"The Camelot Project at the University of Rochester: Arthurian Texts, Images, Bibliographies and Basic Information." It provides what it says, and more...
Arthuriana - Arthur Complete, website of the International Arthurian Society's North American branch.

Arthur in History

Tom Green's Arthurian Resources page, which summarises many of the current scholarly opinions concerning Arthur's place in history and legend, and has several pages of links with annotations more extensive and more thorough than we could hope to provide here.

Other Arthurian Societies

Arthurian Association of Australia - a lively and active organisation with generous things to say about us.
University of Idaho Arthurian Legend Club

'Neo-Celtic' sites

Arthur Pendragon, self-styled latter-day reincarnation of King Arthur and freelance Druid and ecologist. This page is complemented by:
Loyal Arthurian Warband, with a diary and noticeboard for the warband's activities.
Hallowquest, the site of prolific authors and friends of the Society John and Caitlin Matthews.

Role-Playing Games

Quest for the Grail
Although not Arthurian, several sometime Arthurians are members of the UK live role-playing society Fools and Heroes.

Personal Home Pages with Arthurian Content

Some people who have got in touch with us or we've heard of...
Merrie Haskell's King Arthur page.
Terra Collver, with particular emphasis on women in Arthurian legend
Dan Townsend - alias Dandalf the Dragon

Past and Present Members' Personal Home Pages

Ruth Clark
Louise Dennis
Craig Fisher
Matthew Kilburn
Andrew McMurry
Tim Naylor
Russell Shannon
Richard Winpenny

Last updated 31 May 2003