Arthurian Termcard for Trinity 2002

After missing a term, the Oxford Arthurian Society returns to the web with the Trinity termcard.

New members are welcome, particularly graduate and undergraduate members of the University.

When the Society has a speaker meeting there may be opportunities to dine the speaker, contact the committee for details. Unless otherwise stated all meetings begin on Thursdays at 8pm.

First Week (25th April)
Start of term relaxation
Gather in the Mitre from 8pm.

Second Week (Saturday 4th May)
Film trip: Perceval le Gallois the National Film Theatre, London. It wasn't bad, but it would have been more comprehensible if the second reel hadn't been shown fourth.

Third Week (9th May)
Walk to The Perch at Binsey
A pleasant walk up the river in summertime. Meet outside Somerville at 6pm.

Fourth Week (16th May)
Video evening: TekWar 3: TekLab
Showing in the Ferrar Room, Hertford, from 8pm for the enlightenment of those who don't understand the relevance to King Arthur.

Fifth Week (Saturday 25th May)
20th anniversary garden party and banquet
We will be celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Society in 1982 with a garden party at St Hilda's College, from 2.30pm, and then a banquet in the evening. Contact the society account for more details:

Sixth Week (30th May)
We will be discussing whether or not to continue our current status regarding the university, and considering the future of the Society in the light of this decision.

Seventh Week (7th June)
Speaker Meeting
In the Ferrar Room, Hertford College, at 8pm. Dr Miranda Griffin of St Hilda's will discuss the Grail in French prose romance.

Eighth Week (14th June)
The society will pole off down the river in search of The Once and Future King, but find it's available from all good bookshops. The readers of this termcard groan at the author of this page's excuse for a sense of humour. Departure is likely to be from St Hilda's College.