All meetings except those noted otherwise will be on Thursday nights in the Ferrar Room of Hertford College. When the Society has a speaker meeting there may be opportunities to dine the speaker, contact the committee for details. Unless otherwise stated all meetings begin at 8pm.
Second Week (25th January)
Speaker Meeting
Geoff will address the society on the topic of "Holy Grail, Batman!,
Arthurian Comics."
Third Week (1st February)
Pub Meeting
Come chat at the Royal Oak pub and get to know your fellow Arthurians a
bit better.
Fourth Week (8th February)
Speaker Meeting
Laurence Main will address the society on a topic of his choice.
Fifth Week (15th February)
Celtic Festival Preparation
For those new to the Court of Arthur in Oxford here is an evening to
learn how to make a decent showing in costume or at the dancing. A
chance to learn something in Oxford without the attendant comments
from tutors.
Saturday (17th February)
Celtic Festival
The annual courtly extravaganza of medieval and not so medieval fare,
fine dress, dancing, ceremonies, entertainments and Mead!!
Venue to be announced.
Sixth Week (22nd February)
Pancake Party and Storytelling
Come join the merry pancake-eating throng and read out a favourite
passage or work, those who feel shy can take heart in the knowledge that
stories need listeners.
Seventh Week (1st March)
Speaker Meeting
A mystery speeker will address the society on a mystery topic.
Eighth Week (8th March)
Party & Annual General Meeting
Elect you new committee to run the society and fill the offices of the
Court of Arthur in Oxford. Or better still, stand for a post and enjoy the
noble art of serving the society.
Venue to be announced