The Oxford Arthurian Society


	Wednesday 12th October, 8pm (Bostar Hall, Univ) 
Introductory Meeting. Tonight's meeting will simply be a relatively
relaxed evening amid the rush of first week at which old members can
inveigh against the new administration and new arrivals can meet the
committee. There will be a short talk on the society and a brief
introduction to Arthurian legend accompanied by mulled wine and
	Thursday 20th October, 8pm		(Lecture Room B, Worcester)
Speaker Meeting. Leading light of the Mediaeval Society and expert on 
Malory, Dr Helen Cooper will tonight talk to us on "Le Morte D'Arthur", 
the text from which most latter day Arthuriana draws its inspiration, and 
the most obvious inroad to writings of its type for the newcomer to the 
literary Arthur.
	Thursday 27th October		(Meet 7pm outside Somerville Lodge)
Bonfire and Story-telling on Port Meadow. Before the Winter kills our 
romantic notions we shall tonight sit around a bonfire on Port Meadow 
baking potatoes, telling stories, drinking wine and maybe even singing 
songs. If possible please bring along some wood for the fire (Halloween 
approaches), wine for the palate and a tale for the gathering.
	Saturday 5th November	    (Time and meeting place to be announced)
Michaelmas Pilgrimage. Today we will take a midterm jaunt into the area 
around Oxford, visiting various sites of Arthurian and Celtic interest. 
Probables include the Vale of the White Horse, Avebury, Silbury Hill and 
a pub for lunch. We will be leaving early in order to get back to Oxford 
in time for the bonfires. Places will be limited, so contact the 
Treasurer or the President for details.

	Thursday, 10th November, 8pm	(Sainsbury Common Room, Worcester)
Speaker Meeting. Michael Maclagan, an expert in the field, will tonight 
return to the society to talk on Arthurian Heraldry in the Middle Ages 
with an accompanying slide show.

	Thursday 17th November, 8pm	(Sainsbury Common Room, Worcester)
Banquet Preparation Evening. Tonight's meeting will be an informal 
opportunity to learn a few Mediaeval dances, sing a few songs, drink a 
few glasses of wine and do a little last-minute work on costumes in 
preparation for...

	Sunday 20th November			(The Turf Tavern)
The Mediaeval Banquet. The social event of the Arthurian year. Tonight we
take over the courtyard of the Turf for our annual full costume
cutlery-free banquet.  Six courses, serving wenches and varlets, jugglers,
jesters, fire-eaters, minstrels and the Feast of Misrule all should ensure
that you experience no night quite like it in Oxford. Contact the
President for details of tickets. 

	Thursday 24th November, 8pm		(Massey Room, Balliol)
Speaker Meeting. Helen Hollick, author of the recently published "The 
Kingmaking", will come to talk to the society tonight about her 
experience of Arthurian writing and her belief in an historical Arthur.

	Thursday 1st December, 8pm	(TV Room, Holywell Manor, Manor Rd)
Video Night and Party. For the last meeting of term we shall be holding a 
video night cum party. John Boorman's epic "Excalibur" is to be the 
highlight of the evening, though Monty Python and other snippets may well 
slip in. Bring a bottle to help with the festivities. 
	* Other events planned for this term are a trip to the current 
Pre-Raphaelite exhibition at the Ashmolean, and a pilgrimage to join the 
Cardiff Arthurian Society for their enormous banquet in Caerphilly 
Castle. Details as and when...

	* Anyone wishing to dine with a guest speaker before a meeting 
should contact the President.