The Later Regencies: a summary

Matthew Kilburn, 1999-2000
Rosemary Nicklen, 2000
Russell Shannon, 2000-2001
Kathryn Muirhead, 2001
Matthew Kilburn, 2001-2002

The EGM of December 1999 elected veteran Society figure Matthew Kilburn as regent, although a letter to the proctors clarified that Matthew could only remain president for one term while an undergraduate was found to undertake the post. Matthew's term was mainly based on plans already made by Hannah. The AGM of Hilary 2000 elected Rosemary Nicklen Regent, this time administering a term mainly arranged by Matthew. Rosemary failed to secure a postgraduate place, and ill-health and employment led her to withdraw from the Society in Michaelmas 2000.

The regency was again vacant and Russ Shannon, who had already restructured and redesigned the Society's website, as well as nurtured the Society's finances as Treasurer. Russ kept the Society afloat for the remainder of the academic year, but with the need to complete his thesis approaching he was succeeded at the Hilary 2001 AGM by Kathryn Muirhead, a first-year undergraduate from St Hilda's.

Kathryn's term saw the return of Geoffrey Ashe to the Society for the first time in thirteen years, and a banquet cooked by Kathryn, Chris Joseph and Kathryn's mother, giving the experienced cooking team of Anke Buttner and Stephie Coane a break. However, Kathryn was unwilling to be president through her mods term of Hilary 2002 and resigned.

The Society then faced the facts that it was not picking up very many new members and was reliant on conscripting members of the university into the three posts of President, Secretary and Treasurer in order to remain registered with the university authorities. This meant that posts of authority were being held by people who didn't necessarily have the time or enthusiasm to fill the posts. It was therefore decided not to register with the proctors for Hilary Term 2002. The twentieth anniversary banquet was already being planned, by Andrew Smith (Geoff) and Matthew Kilburn; Matthew became Regent once more, with Geoff as Secretary, and Anke as Treasurer. This team, which also included Sophia Woodley and Chris Joseph, took the Society into 2002 and up to and through the anniversary banquet. This was held in St Margaret's Institute as in 1992, following a garden party at St Hilda's. Many old members appeared, including founder Paul Antrobus, despite his heavy involvement in the rescue of Andersen's central European business.

Following this event the Society took stock. Many active members were leaving Oxford that year, and others felt they needed a break. Although a majority of the committee were in favour of winding down the Society Geoff argued that those who wanted to continue should be allowed to do so. Therefore, he was appointed administrator by an EGM; at the close of Trinity 2002 all other committee members surrendered their posts.

Since then the Society has held a few meetings and attracted some new members, although hindered by Geoff's absence from Oxford. If you are interested in future meetings, let the Society know and we'll pass on information.